2nd Saturday of each month (No meetings June-July & August)
General Meeting – 10:30 am- guest speaker 11am-Noon
Saturday 11 January 2025
Note-NO general meeting this month.
No speaker-Transition time to move our Library
from the annex building to the 3rd floor of the
Benton County Historical Society/Museum
Saturday – 8 Feb 2025
Free Program – 11am-Noon
Our fellow member: Susan Hayes will speak on her
Genealogy trip to Germany- Come and hear about the journey to Germany.
Benton County Historical Society Museum
Moreland Gallery-2nd Floor
Saturday 8 Mar 2025
FREE Program
Saturday 12 April – 11AM-Noon
Benton County Historical Society/Museum
2nd Floor
1101 Main St., Philomath, OR

Joe Fulton will present a program “Oregon’s Little Eden”
Kings Valley, Oregon’s Little Eden, had an almost mystical reputation as an idyllic paradise, and still does. But like every other small town or large city in 19th and early 20th century America, it had its dark side, including murders, suicides, deadly fires, accidental shootings, drownings, fatalities from farm equipment, high infant mortality rates, and above all, logging deaths that would shock modern Americans….Let us get to know Kings Valley by taking a trip to the past, long before most of us were born or moved to the area. This is Kings Valley as the newspapers saw her during her first 100 years. It was far more than the handful of surnames that we often hear about as being early Kings Valley residents. They are mentioned regularly, but so are many other residents that most people have never heard of. Their trials and tribulations, triumphs, and tragedies, made this little community a very interesting place.