
Benton County Genealogical Society

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   The Society was established in 1971 as the Mid-Valley Genealogical Society.
The name was changed to the Benton County Genealogical Society in 1996.

Purposes of the Society:


By-Laws (pdf)

Membership Form (pdf) ... updated 10 April 2015

Library ... Shelf List updated 5 Sept. 2015

Support for Benton County ORGenWeb project

Community Service Projects


Research Services

Benton County Books for Sale

Web Links of Interest:

Nearby are:

Society Activities:

Community Service Projects:


     Queries may be submited for a one-time publication in the monthly society newsletter.
     Society members may submit up to two queries per year, free of charge.
     Non-member queries will be published for a fee of $5.00.
     Queries should be limited to 50 words, not including name and address.
     Publications will be made on a "space available" basis.
     Your name and mailing address must be included to allow those without internet access to contact you.
     Your e-mail address may also be included if you wish.
          Mail your query to:
          Benton County Genealogical Society
          P.O. Box 1646
          Philomath, OR 97370
          Submit by e-mail with subject="Benton Query for publication" to the
           Benton County Coordinator (see bottom of this page)   (non-members must mail fee prior to publication)      

Research Services

          Volunteers are available to do research from books in the BCGS Library,
          and other Benton County resources, for a donation to the society.

           About Research Requests and Fees

     We extend an invitation to join us if you are interested in genealogy and family history.
     Dues are for the calendar year, payable January 1 st of each year.
     $20.00 - Individual
     $20.00 - Family
     $20.00 + $5.00 for members who request their newsletter be mailed rather than e-mailed.

For more BCGS information, Contact one of the following:
President Ron DeYoung
Vice President Katie Ross
Membership Connie Patterson

If you have questions or comments regarding this page, please contact the Benton County Coordinator

Page Revised - 4 March 2016